Saturday, July 20, 2013

Whaling Cats and Leaky Diapers

There is nothing quite like being jolted awake by the sound of your screaming child in the middle of the night. It's good for us. It helps us remember we are alive, well just me, my husband apparently can't hear any of the middle of the night fun. It also reminds me that I can hold my pee for extended periods of time, while rocking a 2 year old bag to sleep, who woke up wet after leaking out of his almost dry diaper...hooray for leak guard. Oh wait... 
So while I am rocking my big baby boy, I hear his screams again! But I am holding him, and there is a pacifier lodged in his mouth, so how is that possible? Cats. The screams of terror are from cats brawling in the street. I wonder if they have a dance off? Like a Beat It video? I wonder if there is an MJ cat with a glove on one hand? I wonder if that's the sound I heard and jumped out of bed to? I wonder if my bladder will explode? Well at least H got a diaper change. I'm starving right now. 
It's 5:51am.

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