Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ranty McRanty pants

Soooo....a few days a month I MAY have a little rage...perhaps hormonal, perhaps stress related, perhaps paranormal possession...ok maybe not THAT bad. It starts with irrational annoyance at the smallest things, usually cars parked to close or slow people, or people in diapers calling me mom, you know small things. Then I find myself wanting to kick the car parked to close to mine and give the slow people a little push (shove into the street) or hide from Thing 1 and Thing  2. In the past I have eaten comfort food, worked out, shopped, etc to help calm down, but recently I feel much more aware of the rage and less willing to spend money to feel better. The good news is that I haven't kicked any cars...I haven't aided any elderly people into oncoming traffic and my kids know where to find me. What is my secret you may ask? Ice water. I have found that a huge cup of ice water is an excellent way for me to calm down. Why? I have no idea, but I'm just going to keep drinking it. And I also went back and ate my daughters egg, just the yolk. It's  10:55pm.

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