Sunday, August 4, 2013

4 and 13...and 33

One would think that at the age of 13, your ability to function, minus major attitude would diminish quite significantly...well as a parent of a 13 year probably already know the answer...
I am often amazed when I see a teenager arguing with a 4 year old, even more so when it looks like the 4 year old is winning! But maybe we would all win our arguments if we could end them by sticking our tongue out, yelling "baby head" and running away.
These arguments don't actually surprise me, it's human nature, and this particular 4 year old really likes to touch his sisters hair-like a bear.
What I have learned is that regardless of the age gap, when a person feels wronged, they say something. Hence the arguments I have at 33 with a 13 year old, a 4 year old and a 2 year old. 
It is so much easier for me to tell my daughter to ignore her brothers, than it is for me to not have the last word with someone I think is wrong. 
This is not news, we like to be right, but even more than that, we like to make sure everyone else knows we are right!
So in an effort to take some of my own advice, perhaps the next time we argue, I will just stick my tongue out at you, call you a "baby head," and run away. This will be my way of ignoring you.
Seems to be working great for my 4 year old!

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