Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Feeling like a mom, my mom.

Ok, I may be late to the "mom," party, but man did I feel like a "mom," today! Up early to take H to urgent care to have his ear looked at, I infected, off to CVS for the prescription, and then home to get Jax and off to the gym, pick up Miya from school, then across town to Buy Buy baby for H's shoes, size 9!!, and these pouches he LOVES that are normally twice as much. 
Well while we are there, kids are crying, feet are so sore, but we need meat, so we head to Costco, and thank goodness for their cookies, which enabled me to get all 3 kids fitted for rain boots, FIND them in the piles, and pick up the goods we needed. 
So the end? 
Miya asked for a book from Barnes and Noble. For school. So book reserved while at Costco, then happy rain booted kids in the car and I grab the book. Home to prep dinner and cook meals for the next 2 days for Clint and I. Bathe a child, cooked high protein chopped salads for dinner. Aaaaaand i'm done. I am sure there are 20 other things I need to do, but I am so tired and sore, they will have to wait. I remember my mom doing this with us. She is pretty awesome.
It's 8:22pm

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