Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Full Hearts and Fuller Bellies!

Today a group of families that I grew up with met at a park to hang out and catch up. We are all grown up now, with kids of our own. Some of us have older kids, some younger, some both! What I loved about today was that no matter how long it's been since we have seen each other, we instantly connected over memories, food, family and screaming children. 
There were the baby handoffs, the shared child watching and of course the shared snacks! 
H and J each found a buddy, which made play time even more special and a little easier for me. Then after a few hours of sun and water play, came snack time. 
If you know Aunty Mama, you know I have snacks! Here I am, like an old lady on a park bench feeding the birds, they swarm at the sight of food, and I LOVED it! In a way, it mad me feel like even though I don't get to see all these awesome kids on a regular basis, I was still able to connect and pour (sugar) into them. It made my heart so full. Who knows when we will all be together again to have this time, but I know that whenever it happens again, it will be just like we saw each other yesterday and I will have a lot of snacks. 
I am also now the color of a coffee bean.
It's 8:08pm.

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