Monday, September 29, 2014

Chester Copperpot

I remember being excited as a child. Excited for new adventures and people to have them with. I remember watching Goonies and wanting to hit the coast ASAP to find a treasure and have an amazing adventure. I started my parenting years young. I was 20 when I had my daughter and I freely admit that she was/is pretty spoiled. There are a lot of people who love her and want her to have fancy nice things. About 5 years later I married my husband a we have had 2 boys since then. Combine a father who wants his boys to have all the cool toys and things he didn't get to have with a family of aunts and uncles who are generous beyond anything I could ever imagine and we have kids who have everything. That's great! Right? ...right? ...uhm... No. Not always.
Maybe not having everything leads a person to imagine an adventure to find treasure. Maybe not having a toy store in your room (my sons own words) makes a trip to the toy store a more magical experience, like it was when I was little. 
I want my kids to experience awe and wonder in the world around them, not be constantly wowed by media and entertained. They are constantly on media uppers. Argh. It's hard. Media has its time and use, but for now, I am trying to have my kids occupy life. 
The Goonies, if someone let their asthmatic child run around a death cavern with 2 guys chasing them in the name of adventure, they'd have CPS on their doorstep! Times have surely changed...but I still have this burning desire to yell "hey you guys!" When I am on a boat.
It's 9:19pm
This is my son and his cousins occupying life, in a very close space, on a farm, with a finger in the nose.