Monday, December 2, 2013

Bahumbug and Yippie!

     I have in past years have had very mixed feeling about the holidays, they end up being a lot of stress for me with prep, planning, shopping, wrapping, shopping, cleaning, stocking, stuffing, stressing, etc.  I start off with a boom and fizzle by the 21st. Then I just want to hibernate till Valentines Day.  I know that part of it has to do with my little brothers birthday being this month and so close to Christmas.  It's still a hard time of the year for my whole family, but a tad bit easier each year.

     This year, I feel different.  I feel less stressed out and more relaxed.  My boys still run around like hooligans and try to eat all the advent chocolate in one day.  My teenager still throws attitude, like snowballs...there is still family drama and planning conflicts.  The hustle and bustle is still there, but I feel calmer, slower, less urgency to get everything done all in one day and have it wrapped in a bow with sparkles.  I attribute this to 2 things.
     First, my husband is amazing. Second, I have found a whole new joy in watching my kids enjoy the Christmas season.  My kids could care less about the order of fun or how pretty it looks when it's done.  They just want to be together, laughing (crying too) and having a good time!  Seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child is an amazing thing.  Each little light, ornament and treat is enjoyed with such awe that you can't help but smile.

     It's not about quantity.  It's about quality.  That is such a simple lesson to learn and it does not take a lot to figure it out.  Spend time with your kids, they get a little bigger each year, so take the time to really enjoy the awe of the season with them. Create memories and smiles.  After all, do you remember every single gift you were ever given? Yeah, me either.

It's 1:44 pm.  P.S. Peppermint MnM's are like crack, and I am a junkie!